Oil Painting Techniques (10 weeks) more classes
$275. Members only. If you are not a member, come to join us before you sign up for this class.
Saturdays 7-9:30pm EST. Sept 10 - Nov 12, 2022
This program is tailored to those who want to learn oil painting and have very little or no past experience with this medium. During the 10 weeks, you will learn oil fundamentals, principles of opaque painting, oil painting techniques and methods, how to use paints, brushstroks.
We will begin the program with the fundamentals. You may be given assignments based on your level, experience and personal goal. Subject matter may include still-life, landscape, and portrait. By the end of this oil program, you will be more comfortable with the oil painting medium.
In this program you will have an experience similar to a remote college learning environment. There is a dedicated website which contains the weekly learning content, references, and homework suggestions. Each week, Yong will discuss the important details of the techniques and processes of painting with demonstrations to answer all your questions. The weekly interactive classes will lead you through learning and practicing at your own pace, so you will experience productive and positive progress throughout the program. Through this learning program, you will gain confidence with the oil painting medium and will achieve a deeper understanding of techniques and processes, readying you to take on more painting challenges.
If you have to miss a class, don’t worry. The full videos of our Zoom class meetings will be uploaded to the class website for your easy review and learning.
When you have completed your homework assignment, upload it to the dedicated class review area. Class members are encouraged to give suggestions and technique reminders to each other. There will also be homework coaching sessions where Yong will give suggestions for individual improvement.